Thursday, May 20, 2010

God is proud of YOU!

Sitting here fiddling with my camera waiting for the ceremony to begin. I look over and spot that brillant red hair. That's my oldest daughter, Hannah, sitting there. She is being "inducted" into the Honor Society. We are so proud of her! I have to say she is not that excited about being here at 7am! I watch her. I can tell that she feels a little awkward as she smiles at one of her friends. But if she could look into my heart she would know how much I love her and her sisters! I'm proud of each of them just for being! Just for being the young ladies God has created them to be.
I wish there was a way to "see" into someone's heart. To actually visualize the love they have for you. When my three girls were born there was a change in my heart. There is a saying, it goes something like this: "I didn't realize my heart could beat outside of my body until I became a mom" That is SO true!!
I want my girls to know that I love them, would do anything for them, and that I'm so proud of them. As I was sitting there thinking about this, God seemed to whisper in my heart, " That's how I feel about you" Why is it so hard to believe a simple truth? To believe that GOD himself loves us deeply, completely and wholly. He not only LOVES us but is so proud of us. We work so hard for HIM , start this ministry, feed the homeless, help the needy, etc. Sometimes I think we just need to stop just for a minute and Know that HE is God and that HE loves us. HE LOVES US! That's it. No big theological discussion, no questions. He loves us just for being who we are not for what we do. We love our own children but HE LOVES US more! We can't even imagine a love greater than that of a parent but there is...GOD's LOVE!
Every time you look at your children today I hope you remember that GOD LOVES YOU COMPLETELY!


  1. You are a great mother and wife and I love you! Praise God for His great love for us!

  2. Just ran across this from the link that Todd posted. Good post!

  3. Thanks for those words's easy to get loaded down with "doing" and forget to just "be" God's precious daughter ~ thanks for the reminder.

  4. I was just having this conversation with Josh. Just how much having a kid helps you to better understand God's love. How you ache because you love them so, but that is only a glimpse of how much God loves us! Crazy love!
