Monday, September 13, 2010

A family Adventure

Saturdays is usually a day to 'catch up' on everything and then prepare for the next week. But this particular Saturday we decided that things could just wait and we ventured out to have some family time. Todd decided that it would be fun to go tubing down the river. Now, for those who have never done this it is simply sitting on an intertube and letting the current take you down the river. Not much skill is required. We finally get to the river and get everyone in their tube and let me just say it was very cold river water!!!! For people that know me, I have a bad habit of 'spiritualizing' everyday things. But I have a deep belief that God does speak to us in our lives if we will just take the time to listen. So, as you probably have figured out, there are alot of life lessons in our little tubing adventure.

When we started out it was waist deep water and very comfortable just floating down the river, the sun was shining, the birds chirping, the leaves just falling off the trees- Beautiful! However, this didn't last long! We started floating faster and faster and the water got very shallow then it happened- stuck! Due to the shallow water my tube had got stuck on a rock. The water is still rushing over my legs but my tube is firmly planted on this rock. I try to push off another rock and it doesn't work, I try rocking back and forth, still no luck. Then I hear a voice in the distance saying, "Butt up" I recognize it as my husband's voice after hearing the roar of laughter! So, you guessed it, I followed orders and it worked! I was set free from my rock! As we floated down the river there were deep areas that were so nice and restful. Then there were those areas that were shallow and filled with obstacles that you had to manuver the tube over. I couldn't help but think about life, my life. Sometimes I get 'stuck' on a rock. I can't seem to get free. Like in the river, I had to be flexible in order to be free. Maybe the 'rocks' in our lives are simply a test. A test of faith, hope, patience, perserverance? We must be flexible to HIS will for us. Sometimes, life just doesn't turn out the way we wanted, planned, or even hoped for but I have learned that is ok. As long as He is with me! I try to remember that His plan for my life is so good, so beautiful that I couldn't dream it up myself!! So the next time you are 'stuck' on a rock just remember Todd's advice "Butt Up" and be flexible and see what God will do! You will be amazed!


  1. I love this advice Kristi...I'm going to start telling my friends, "butt up!!!" :)

  2. "Butt Up!" lol very funny.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great perspective Kristi! I enjoyed reading this!
